Back in 2020, I started Wilona after grad school with a desire to blend my creative intuition with my performance marketing & public relations background. Wilona originated as a social marketing agency, but quickly outgrew that label. Clients began requesting that I'd take the reins on different aspects of their brand marketing methods. From creative directing shoots, building websites, designing brand identities, or completely reworking messaging & copy - I quickly learned that social services were not enough to holistically help brands. In fact, that wasn’t even the most important element of a brand. I realized that a social strategy simply is not a marketing strategy. That how your brand looks & feels must align with your ideal buyer. That it doesn’t matter how many times you post a day if no one resonates with what you’re saying. That a brand (& all of its essence) must extend beyond the functions of a business to be influential. And, at the end of the day, a successful brand is one that not only looks good, but also activates it's audience enough to buy-in & participate in the brand. From there, I evolved Wilona to specialize in our own take on brand consulting that advocates for a blend & balance of creative strategy, positioning, marketing messaging, & intentional design.
At Wilona, we pride ourselves on being a jack-of-many-trades. Through first-hand experience working closely with founders, we discovered that a siloed approach to brand building has a tendency of watering down the entire essence of a brand. Rather than hiring consultants, designers, & copywriters individually - we deliver the whole package within our client experience. Along with that, many founders have gotten in the habit of jumping into brand design after sparking a new business idea, where as we spend the first two phases of our BRAND BUILD honed in on R&D & strategic positioning. One of our clients coined this phase 'getting into the brain of the brand' as we take our time understanding you, your vision, & your target market. Wilona develops your brand's intricate position in the market long before we start thinking about a logo.
The name Wilona (pronounced will-oh-na) is derived from the names of two significant women in our founder's life - Ashley’s great aunt, Wilma, & grandmother, Veona. These women were two female figures that exemplified a sense of resiliency & intentionality regardless of the circumstances they both faced - learned traits that sparked the drive for Ashley to build something of her own. We stay inspired by the women who came before us (like Wilma & Veona) & continue to carry the meaning of our name in the soul of our brand.
Starting a business can be hard, building a brand with Wilona makes it much easier. Your brand will always be the most important investment you can make.